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Breakfast for Dinner!

Pumpkin and I began our cooking adventure Friday and she was quite proud to prepare dinner! Since we are starting at the beginning of the cookbook and working through, it was breakfast for dinner tonight with Milk-Shake aux Fruit (Fruit Smoothie) and Œufs à la Coque (Soft boiled eggs and toast)!

This meal was a good one to ease her into our adventure, as it was all food she is familiar with and has eaten in the past. She eats smoothies regularly, although this one was a bit different in consistency than the ones I usually make her, and soft boiled eggs with toast was a staple breakfast for her around age 3. She hasn't had soft boiled eggs in a while, but she remembers eating them, so revisiting this food was less intimidating for her.

Pumpkin really did do a lot of the cooking. She put the first round of toast in the toaster oven (I did the second because the toaster was hot at that point), she measured the milk, put the eggs in the egg cooker, and buttered the toast. The only thing I couldn't convince her to do was touch the banana to put it in the blender. I think it is the slimy feel of a banana that she is unsure about. She did put all of the other smoothie ingredients in blender, including the strawberries.

And the verdict on this meal:

As you can see this meal was approved by both kiddos! In the video she indicated she liked the smoothie, however on her second taste she declared it more comme-çi, comme-ça (so-so). We may need to try that recipe a few more times before she likes it! All in all, our first cooking adventure was a success!

Proud of her meal!

And not to be left out of the fun . . .

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