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Daddy's Sneaky Pancakes

With Chickie being such a selective eater, I need to be creative in getting other foods into her body. One of the biggest ways I do this is with pancakes. It is her favourite breakfast and easy to sneak a few things into.

This is the recipe that we use:


Makes about 8-10 pancakes

1 1/2 cups Flour

3 1/2 tsp Baking Powder

1 tsp Salt

1 Tbsp Sugar

1 1/4 cups Milk

1 Egg

3 Tbsp Oil

1 tsp Vanilla

1 Banana (Blended to be unrecognizable!)

2 Tbsp Apple Sauce

Olive Oil for cooking

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Heat some oil in a frying pan. Place some batter in frying pan and cook to liking.


My husband found the base of the this recipe online somewhere about 9 years ago and we have adapted it over the years. I wish I could give credit where credit was due for the original recipe, but it was before the days of Pinterest, so I have been unable to locate the address of the original recipe. This one is similar, but calls for melted butter instead of oil.

You can add pretty well any puréed vegetable or fruit to the batter, although with Chickie being so picky I have to be careful it doesn't change the colour too much. When she helped me make them this morning she was not best pleased to learn that I always put apple sauce and banana in it and I couldn't convince her that this was how I ALWAYS make them! She helped me mix the dry ingredients but left after she puréed the banana because she didn't like the smell.

Here is a before and after of the banana so you can see how much I have to purée it:

Since it's summer vacation, I made chocolate chip pancakes, her favourite favourite breakfast!

Some video of the pancake making and eating:

She did like the final result and finished most of the pancake!

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