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Desserts, Treats and Sweets at the Cottage!

We didn't do any "official" desserts during our week at the cottage, but we were at the cottage so there was plenty of treats to be had!

Desserts and sweets of any kind have always been ubiquitous at our family cottage. As I kid, I remember having a counter that was literally piled high with Little Debbie's, Oatmeal Cakes, Hostess Cakes, as well as all of my mom's prolific baking: skotcheroos, crunchy brownies, cookies, etc. Then there was usually at least three different kinds of ice cream in the freezer along with popsicles and fudgesicles. I seriously don't know how I avoided being an obese child! It must have been all the running around and swimming we did in between all the eating!

Over the years, as my sister and I have gotten older and more health conscious, my mom has scaled back the treats a bit. The amount of sweets and treats at the cottage have become less, but we still have a shelf full of baked goods.

Skotcheroos are pretty much a lake staple.

And then there are the crunchy brownies. These are my achilles heal at the cottage! Every time I walk through the kitchen I hear them calling to me.

We also have a quite nice tradition of making homemade ice-cream using an old fashioned crank ice cream maker with our neighbours and long time family friends. It's vanilla ice cream and it tastes so good after having to work for it! Pretty well everyone takes a turn cranking, even the kids. We've done this once a summer for as long as I can remember! I totally forgot to snap a photo of the actual ice cream (The picture at the start of the post is of the kiddos enjoying some of the leftovers.), but my mom did get this picture during the ice cream making process:

On the far right, peaking out from behind her brother-in-law, is my good friend Sara Trunzo. Sara is between my sister and my age so we spent summers playing together and pretty well grew up on the lake together. Sara is a budding country music star, so if you like country music, you should definitely check her out! Here is a link to her website and yes this is a shameless plug! It's always so nice catching up with her and her family during our ice cream tradition!

All that to say, we do eat a lot at the cottage but we also live a lot at the cottage! Swimming, playing games, reading, boat rides. Many of my fondest childhood memories are from our time at the lake and it is shear joy seeing my kids making what I hope will be cherished memories for them!

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