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Céréales Croustillantes (Granola)

Tonight was another breakfast for dinner night! And, spoiler alert: the following three Fridays will also be breakfast for dinner nights! Tonight we tried granola. Pumpkin was much less keen and more apprehensive heading into tonight's meal. She was feeling unsure about the dried fruit and coconut that was in the recipe.

As I mentioned in my first post, the cookbook we are using is in French, which means that all of the ingredients are measured using the metric system. I purchased an Amazon kitchen scale last week so we wouldn't need to figure out the conversions and tonight we got to try the new scale. Pumpkin really likes science, so she thought measuring the ingredients in grams on a scale was quite fun!

She is really enjoying doing the cooking all by herself and was rather put out when I dumped some nuts into the bowl! She is also enjoying making smoothies herself after learning how to make them last week. This week she decided we should make smoothies again to go with our granola. She even voluntarily added the kale!

While still making the granola, she tried a small bite of a dried apricot. She didn't like, but at least she willingly tried it. Baby steps!

Here is the taste test:

Tonight was less successful than last week. She didn't like the granola with the fruit in it, but she did try a couple of bites without too much coaxing. Knowing she was apprehensive about the dried fruit, I did set aside some of the granola without dried fruit (just the oats and nuts). She ate this, but towards the end was also not so sure about it. She said she didn't care for the nuts. So granola isn't becoming a favourite food any time soon, but at least she has a tried some different foods tonight, and we are having fun cooking together!

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