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Glace au Yaourt (Frozen Yogurt)

Our dessert this weekend was Glace au Yaourt (Frozen Yogurt). It is from the same book that we are using for our Friday meals.

We made two different kinds: cookie and marshmallow. You pretty much just mix the ingredients with yogurt and creme fraiche and then put it in the freezer, so literally frozen yogurt.

Here is a picture before going into the freezer . . .

. . . and after.

As an ice cream loving family, we were a bit less crazy about this one. My husband's love of ice cream is the stuff of legend. As the story goes, he was around 4 months old when his family went out for ice cream. His grandma was holding him and her ice cream cone. As my mother-in-law tells it, my husband lunged for the ice cream cone and so began a life lone love affair. He has passed this love of ice cream on to my children, so they were all less than crazy for the yogurty taste of this recipe. The kids seemed to like the marshmallow one a bit better.

Here is the taste test and, yes, that's hockey commentary on in the background. Another love may husband is passing on to the kiddos!

I did get this great picture out of it!

Such the character!

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