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Œufs Brouillés (Scrambled Eggs)

This week Pumpkin and I made scrambled eggs for dinner. This was another less intimidating meal for her as she used to eat it when she was younger.

Last night was her first go at cracking eggs on her own. Until now, I have always done the egg cracking if we were cooking/baking together. We used 10 eggs so it was a good bit of practice. In the video below, I got some footage of her on her first successful egg crack!

She did a lot of the cooking on her own and this was the finished product!

Here is the video with some of the cooking and the taste test:

We attempted practicing some French at the end of the video and mine is not very good! My sister, currently working on a masters in French, will likely be horrified! I was trying to ask Pumpkin how many eggs we used and she responds with 10. Also, the Bubbas counts in French. He can count to 14, but then loops back to 8 or 9 and counts back up 14 3-4 times. He does this every time we ask him to count in French! My husband and I think it is pretty funny, but his big sister, currently at a French immersion school, is not impressed by his inaccurate French!

All in all, this week was successful. Next week however, will be a bit more ominous for Pumpkin as the recipe includes a few vegetables! Now comes the real test of this little experiment!

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