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Mini Dessert Pizza

First a note on nick names. At this point in time I prefer not to use my kiddos' real names on the site, so I had gone with Pumpkin for my daughter and the Bubbas for my son. Both are nicknames, among others, that we use for them. However, my daughter has said she doesn't want hers to be Pumpkin and that she would prefer Chickie, another nickname we use for her. So going forward, I will be referring to her as Chickie.

That out of the way, this week for dessert she wanted to do mini dessert pizzas. I'm not sure where she got the idea, but we just winged it. We used cookies for the crust, chocolate sauce for the sauce, marshmallow fluff for the cheese and coloured marshmallows for the pepperoni.

Normally, I like to bake and cook from scratch, but my husband's aunt was in town this week and we had been out all day Saturday with her and my in-laws. So I cheated and we just used prepackaged cookie dough!

Chickie enjoyed the results but I thought they were more so-so. I think they would have turned out better with frosting instead of marshmallow fluff. The fluff didn't spread very well over the chocolate sauce. Here are the less than picture perfect results:

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