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Omelette Garnie

Our dinner this week was omelettes, and since the recipe included tomatoes and mushrooms, Chickie was quite a bit less than excited.

She took some convincing to even get started, because she knew she would be having to actually put some vegetables in her mouth! She cracked all the eggs and grated the cheese, but started to loose interest when I was cutting the tomatoes.

She returned to help cook the bacon and put the first couple omelettes on. While she didn't help cook the vegetables, she did help put them onto the first two omelettes. She lost interest during cooking the second two omelettes, so the Bubbas stepped in to "help", but was eventually banished from the kitchen when he started getting into everything and wouldn't leave the omelette alone to cook!

I'm pretty sure that the last time that I made omelettes was in middle school home ec., so my omelette flipping skills left quite a lot to be desired! Here is the finished product that would probably make Gordan Ramsay cry and/or curse quite a bit!

The one with just cheese and bacon for chickie:

And the three with veggies:

And then came the taste test. The omelette I made for Chickie had only cheese and bacon, with the understanding that she would need to try one bite from my omelette with mushroom and tomato. I don't have any video of her trying the one with vegetable because her reaction was so strong! The way she reacted you would think I had asked her to rip her arm off as opposed to just put a bit of vegetable in her mouth. In the end, she did try it, but, surprise, surprise, she didn't like it! Even the Bubbas didn't seem overly keen, but this may have been partly to do with his sister's reaction to the meal. She did seem to like the one with just cheese and bacon better, but mainly just dug out the bacon to eat.

Here is some video of what I did get:

Maybe next week will be more successful!

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