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Mini Pancakes

Our dinner this week was mini blueberry pancakes and this is our last week of breakfast for dinner! Chickie eats pancakes for breakfast any time I am willing to make them, so I knew this meal wouldn't be very intimidating. ​

While we normally cook on Friday, this week it fell to Saturday because of another dinner engagement we had on Friday. Unfortunately this meant Chickie was less interested in cooking with me as we she had spent half the day outside in Nana-gran and Grandad's garden and the other half hiking with our family on Saturday. She just didn't have much energy left for cooking. She did help measure the ingredients and (partially) mix the batter. She also helped to put the first three pancakes on, but then was done with the cooking part!

She was wary of trying the blueberries, so she had a pancake without blueberries on stipulation that she try one bite of blueberry pancake. She did and of corse she said she didn't like it. My husband and I were talking about it after the kids had left the table and it really does seem like she sykes herself out to not like new foods. She's so convinced she won't like it and then she doesn't. It's psychological and I'm really not sure how to get around it. Our little experiment is getting her to put a bite or two of new foods into her mouth, but we can't force her to like it or even to be open to the possibility that she might like it. Anyway, we made whipped cream to go along with the pancakes hoping that it would make the blueberry more appetizing, but even that couldn't make fruit appetizing to Chickie!

Here is the video of some of the cooking and the taste test:

The recipe in the book next week is (cue the Jaws theme music) a green salad! We'll also be making Chickie's favourite meal, sausages and pirogies, to go with the salad and to ease the blow!

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