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Salade Verte à la Vinaigrette

Tonight was our salad night and Chickie was not even remotely excited about it. Actually she was dreading it!

As you can see we set the table all fancy tonight! It was my husband and my anniversary this week (we're going out tonight to celebrate), so Chickie wanted to set the table with the nice dishes! To go with the salad we also made sausages and pirogies because it is Chickie's favourite meal. She helped make most of the meal tonight, but got really into setting the table!

The salad recipe called for cucumbers and tomatoes, but as she is convinced she doesn't and couldn't like those things, we substituted them for corn and potatoes. We fallowed the recipe for the vinaigrette, which was a lemon vinaigrette, but none of us were very impressed with it. Raelynne of corse didn't like it because it was on green stuff, but even my husband and I thought it didn't have enough flavour.

Trying the salad was a bit challenging for Chickie. As I mentioned last week she really gets herself worked up about trying new things, especially if they're veggies, so it took some convincing to put the green lettuce in her mouth. It was eventually coaxed in, but she wasn't impressed. She said she didn't like the lettuce and the dressing was too sour.

This is a picture of her plate after the meal. Yes, she used three forks because we can't cross contaminate! One fork for the salad, one for the sausage and one for the pirogies! Although, I do have to admit, she gets this need to not cross contaminate her food from me. Though I don't feel the need to use separate utensils for each item on my plate, I do hate it when sauce from one item gets onto another one! Also, her salad was actually on a completely separate plate. I took the picture as an afterthought as I was cleaning up.

Here is some video of the cooking and taste test:

So another less than successful week, but at least we're finally getting her to very reluctantly put new foods into her mouth. Baby step to a more rounded diet!

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