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Boulettes de viande à la sauce (Meatballs with sauce)

This week we made meatballs! There was a sauce that was more of a salsa in the book to go with the meatballs, but it didn't strike me as anything our family would enjoy, so I opted for steamed carrots and hash browns instead.

Bubbas helped a lot more with this meal than Chickie. She helped rip up one piece of bread to make bread crumbs and then was off! Bubbas helped get the meatball mixture all made up. At this point I sent him off, because it was time to roll the meatballs and I just didn't see it going well if he was "helping". I didn't really fancy scraping meatball mixture off the ceiling that day!

Everyone enjoyed the meatballs, especially Bubbas! Bubbas isn't always a great meat eater, so it's nice when we stumble on something meaty he likes!

You'll notice in the video we had been dying easter eggs. I got some of those plastic ones this year instead of using hardboiled eggs, and unfortunately they didn't really dye the same way. As you can see in the video, the dye worked better on Decklan's hands than the eggs!

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