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Brochettes d'Agneau (Lamb Kabobs)

This week's meal was lamb kabobs with couscous. This was my first time cooking lamb, which I wasn't overly keen to do on account of lamb being so cute when living, but we made it through! Chickie stuck around to help with some of the early steps. She helped to squeeze some orange juice for the marinade, and then lost interest. Bubbas is my "better" eater, in that he eats a wider variety of foods when he can be convinced to sit down long enough to do so! So I guess it makes sense that he is also more interested in "helping" me to cook. The trouble is, I'd much rather have Chickie's help since she is better at following instructions. Bubbas starts off calmly listening and following instructions, but it isn't too long before, being a very active boy, he has managed to stir half of the contents of any bowl onto the countertop! I don't want to discourage him from helping, but so goes the realities of cooking with children!

Bubbas helped to put the food on the Kebabs and amazingly did not attempt to wield them like a medieval weapon!

Most of us enjoyed the final product, and of corse Chickie only tried a small bite of meat and then stuck to the plain couscous. The lamb was nice and tender from the marinade and tasted nice, I just tried not to think too hard about what it used to be!

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