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Lasagnes Végétariennes (Vegetarian Lasagna)

The next recipe in our book was vegetarian lasagna. Which means the moment the word vegetable had left my mouth, Chickie had no interest in helping! So once again, Bubbas stepped in to fill the void. He helped to grate some of the cheese, eventually passing the cheese off to me and opting for putting the cheese into the bowl for me.

Chickie has gotten into the Calvin and Hobbs comic strips. Since this was one my husband's favourites as a kid, we happen to have some of the books on hand. So when Bubbas saw Chickie was cuddled on the couch with daddy reading a comic strip, it wasn't long before I was left alone! It was hard to be too upset that they weren't helping though since they were all snuggled up reading!

So I finished the lasagna all by my lonesome! None of us were crazy about this meal, but it was at least edible, unlike that earlier tuna pasta disaster! Neither of the kids even tried the lasagna. They subsisted on the garlic bread. Chickie even refers to vegetables in the video as if they were Voldemort! Even Bubbas didn't try it, despite the fact that he had been eating the plain crushed tomatoes out of the can while helping me make the lasagna! And if I'm being totally honest, I picked the egg plant out of my lasagna!

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