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Croquettes de Thon (Tuna Cakes)

I have been very delinquent in working on the blog of late. We did two meals back in May and I am only just now getting around to blogging about them! We have done no new meals since then! The end of the school year was particularly busy this year. Then we had Bubba's birthday in June with a party! We had a splatter party at a local art studio and he loved having free reign to make a mess! Then to top the month off, he ended up with a nasty virus with meningitis like symptoms and ended up in hospital! Thankfully it wasn't meningitis, just a really nasty virus. I am so thankful for our Canadian health care and the fact that when my kid is that sick, I don't have to worry about how much it is going to cost! They ran every about 13 tests on him including an MRI, so if there is anything wrong with him, it would have to be in his limbs!

The first meal we did in May was tuna cakes!

Chickie helped with cutting the potatoes and then I think I was on my own, but honestly it was so long ago, I'm not entirely sure!

The final product was quite tasty and even got an initial so-so rating from Chickie! Bubbas of corse liked it!

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